2020. 2. 10. 10:04ㆍ카테고리 없음
I have a problem with Fallout 3 GOTY and with Fallout: New Vegas, both Steam version. Fallout 3 GOTY crashes as soon as I try to create a New game, while Fallout: New Vegas crashes immediately after first video.
Best Answer: Fallout 3 is notoriously glitchy on Windows 7; as a matter of fact, this game is not supposed to work on on Windows 7 at all as the game is on the incompatibility list. I often have crashes to desktop. Make sure your game is updated with the latest patch and that your graphics card matches the system requirements.
+1 also try unplugging/disabling every non-essential piece of hardware from your machine (speakers, everything USB including the mouse if you have a spare PS/2-mouse, every addon card but your graphics card, etc.), and disable all non-essential software. There have been some wierd hardware-related crashes in a lot of games in the past (not just Fallout 3 specifically) which only occur with some esoteric combination of hardware/software.
If that works, enable things one-by-one until it crashes again to determine the root cause, and post back here to let us know.–Nov 15 '10 at 16:55. Unlike the others here I don't really have a supposed solution, but instead a possible work-around(s), which I hope can help. I have listed 3 options below, but the bolded sentence in option 2 is the one which will probably work best.
Fallout Nv Crashes On New Games
Option 1: upgrade to 64-bitChange your operating system to Windows 7 64-bit. Of course, nothing guarantees it will then work, but it just might - and I personally see no harm in such an upgrade (at least, not much harm).You don't have to purchase Windows 7 again, all regular Windows 7 editions should include both the 32-bit and the 64-bit varieties. In today's world 64-bit is in general preferable, in my opinion, especially given your amount of RAM.
There's no direct upgrade path from Windows 7 32-bit to 64-bit, but you can use the Windows Easy Transfer tool, which is pretty easy. Option 2: play it in Windows XPWindows 7 is not officially supported by Fallout 3, but Windows XP is, so I guess an obvious solution is to try and run it with XP!
This gives you the following options:.Run Windows XP on an emulator. Many modern emulators don't critically degrade performance, just make sure you use an emulator which supports 3D acceleration., for example, available for free for Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate, does not support acceleration as far as I know. Instead, try getting the open-source or the free, both of which should theoretically support the game, especially if you have a powerful machine. Notice that you need to have a valid XP installation - disc and serial number - to install it on the 'guest' OS (the one being emulated).Dual-boot Windows XP with your current operating system. This is probably the most fail-safe direction you can take to play the game. It requires some effort but there are plenty of guides available online on how to dual-boot, shouldn't be that big of a problem if you're keen on playing this great game. Again, you need a valid XP for that, but in that case success is basically guaranteed.Be aware that if you use any of the above solutions, you would need to install Steam on that Windows XP as well, but that shouldn't be a problem.
Options 3: sue the bastardsWell I guess you should only pick this if you happen to have an expensive lawyer which isn't paid by the hour, but you can at least complain to Valve that the is misleading: it only says XP/Vista is a minimum requirement, and does not explicitly say Windows 7 is unsupported, compared with the, for example. If your running standard hardware with up-to-date drivers, try disabling all background programs and non-essential programs (including your virus scanner, which might try to read the same memory as the game or play with some files it tries to load).Press WINKEY + R, type msconfig and enterIn the general tab, hit 'Selective Startup' and uncheck 'Load Startup Items'Go to the Services tab and press 'Hide All Microsoft Services' then presss 'Disable All'Press Ok, then restart when prompted. Try the game again without any third party programs or services running.To restore, simply go back to msconfig and select 'Normal Startup'. Things that have worked in the past:.Flashing videocard bios.making sure that you are only running 2 cores on your processor. What you need to do is try to start the game, and then press ctrl+alt+del and choose the process. In XP, I know you can simply right click the process and choose 'Set Affinity'.
Not sure in 7. In any case, previous patches of Fallout 3 seem to have broken Quad Core support, and the X3 has 3 active cores, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the problem.Also, before you go on to flash the gfx bios, try disabling the third core first:D. What sound card do you have?
Does it have any configuration tool that will let you disable EAX emulation or other hardware emulation? If not, I believe you can disable audio in the game altogether by editing the FALLOUT.INI file (found in your DocumentsMy GamesFallout3 folder) and changing the line that reads 'bEnableAudio=1' to 'bEnableAudio=0' under the 'Audio' section of properties. Give that a try and see if it fixes the crashing. If so, it's an audio issue for sure and then it's just a matter of figuring out how to get things configured.–Nov 22 '10 at 0:47.
Fallout Nv Crashes On New Game Download
These fixes are pretty much the same regardless of the issue.